Wednesday, July 4, 2012

confessions of a hoarder

I am a hoarder, ive come to terms with it ! i have so much stuff, its 17 years shoved into every single drawer, shelf and crevice in my room! i have been cleaning for 9 hours and im ready to pull my hair out , so i decided it was best to call it a night. im proud of the progress i made but for some reason giving things away is so stressful for me. i have little panic attacks and could sit there for hours thinking about possible scenarios where i would need a certain shirt and why i shouldnt give it away. but i am donzo. for now! round two begins tomorrow, cross your fingers i make it out alive. on a lighter note , the love of my life has finally returned form her adventures in toronto , and i am relieved, as i barely made it through the six days without her. so , with my cup of tea in hand and computer inches away from my face i am hopefully awaiting some bonding time with her , and preparing to waste away the night googling pointless and irrelevant things! oh the joys of summer :)

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